5. Prepare the colors that you will need for your mixture. Start with your base color (MAIN COLOR). Put a small amount into the mixing jar.
As we always remind our customers, the amount of color will depend on the size of the area to be repaired. We always recommend starting with a small amount first so you can play with the colors, find the best color mixing ratio for your wood shade, and test the mixture on an inconspicuous area. This is also to avoid spoilage and to avoid using up all the colors while creating the wrong mixture.
6. Add in your secondary color (
SECONDARY COLOR). You may need to use more than one secondary color for your wood color. Add only very tiny amounts of your secondary color as a little amount goes a long way. Continue mixing and adding hints of the secondary color that is needed to adjust the hue.
7. Keep the
Black and
White repair compounds ready in case you need to adjust the shade of your color mixture. These two colors are very crucial in color mixing. Keep in mind that
it’s easier to darken a color mixture than to lighten it. So, it is recommended to add only very tiny amounts of Black when making a color mixture darker. It might take all of your White repair compounds to lighten a previously darkened color mixture so be very careful! If things go the wrong way, don’t worry! You can contact us so we can help you with your color mixture and help you complete your repair if you ever run out of repair compounds.
8. If you think you have achieved a matching color mixture with your wood floor or furniture color, test your color mixture first in an inconspicuous area. Apply a thin layer of the repair compound and wait for it to fully dry.
9. Check the dried layer and see if your color mixture matches. Gauge if there are adjustments needed to be made in order to completely blend in the repaired spot. Make sure that you are looking at the test spot under clear natural light just to be as accurate as possible.
10. Make the necessary adjustments to your color mixture. Take note of the adjusted color ratios so you can recreate the color mixture if you ever needed more for your repair. If you think you might run out of repair compounds, you may
contact us right away for assistance so your repair doesn’t get interrupted.
11. After your wood base color has completely dried and the color is matching, you may now practice recreating your wood grain pattern. After getting the perfect color mixture for your wood base color, you will have to practice doing the grains or patterns on your wood. Most of the wood patterns can be recreated by using Mahogany, Walnut, or Black. Of course, it will still depend on your wood pattern’s color so you must identify which perfectly matches its color. Then, you may try doing the pattern using the brush included in the kit. Don’t be afraid to experiment on this step. The more you practice, the more you’ll be familiar with your wood’s grain or pattern and how to perfectly copy it. The saying “
practice makes perfect” never gets old.
12. If you feel like your wood color matching is not going as planned, please don’t hesitate to
email us or
chat with our Coconix Support Team! Send us clear pictures of your wood floor or furniture taken under clear natural lighting. Make sure that the color in the photos is the best representation of the actual color. You may
skip to the BONUS part of this guide where we provided tips on
how to take pictures of your repair to get the most accurate color representation. Don’t forget to include your order details in your message for faster processing of your color mixing advice request.
13. For email inquiries, please allow 24 - 48 hours for our Coconix Support Team to create a color mixing suggestion for you. For faster communication, you may also chat with one of our Coconix Support Team members or give us a call at +1 (503) 400 33 03.
If your wood floor or furniture color is not in the color mixing chart, no need to worry! We have prepared more color mixing suggestions below so you can have an excellent wood color matching experience. 90 wood hues in the color chart is a lot but there are colors that require two or more secondary colors. Click here for the most common wood color mixture recipes with their usual grain pattern color.
If you have not found a match in the color chart or in the pre-made color mixing suggestion we have prepared in the link above, you can send us an email or chat with our Coconix Support Team. We’d be happy to help you get the closest color match possible!
SECTION 5: Fabric And Carpet Repair Kit
Coconix’s popular new innovation Professional Fabric and Carpet Repair Kit includes 9 base colors for much easier fabric or carpet color matching: White, Black, Blue, Red, Yellow, Beige, Brown, Navy, and Gray. This kit comes with an instruction manual and a color matching chart that will make your color matching experience an exciting experience! We have included below a few key points that will guide you in using your Fabric Mend PRO Color MIxing Guide.
The Fabric Mend PRO Color Mixing Guide consists of four main parts: (1) the leftmost part is where the steps on how to use the color chart can be found; (2) the color chart; (3) the left box in the bottom part is the base colors included in your kit; and (4) the right box in the bottom part is where you will find how to get in touch with us in case you need help with color matching.